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Maxim Kim
Predator Prey Simulation


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Adjust 1:1 row:column for row

Number of rows

Number of columns

Starting prey in field

Starting predators in field

Days predators can starve

Frames per day

Prey days before reproduction

Predator days before reproduction

Prey chance of reproduction

Predator chance of reproduction

Prey color

Predator color

Background color

How It Works

There are predators and prey that interact under some rules. Animals can only move in cardinal directions, not diagonal. Every day, animals have a chance to move, reproduce, or die. Predators can also eat. After living a certain number of days, animals have a chance to reproduce. After a certain amount of days without food, predators die. Prey have infinite food and we can image they're always fed. Animals move randomely, and so are not actively evading or seeking.

Copyright © 2022 Maxim Kim