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Maxim Kim
Mr. Johnathan


I want to be smarter. Help me out!

What animal were you thinking of?

What is a yes or no question that distinguishes
between your animal and a ?

What is the correct answer to that question?(yes, no)

ERROR: revise your answers.

Think of an animal and Mr. Johnathan will try and guess it

How It Works

There are a series of questions, which are fetched from my database: https://first-website-8de55.uc.r.appspot.com/. If the animal you're thinking of is not in the database, then you add it, and you can see that change being made by following the link. Now, Johnathan permanently remembers that animal, and if anyone uses that animal again, Johnathn will guess it correctly.

Cartoon emotions vector created by pch.vector - www.freepik.com

Copyright © 2022 Maxim Kim